In her first single since her divorce, the girls ask: when your man lets you down, would you kiss your girlfriend?


In the year that marks the 20th anniversary since the Spicegirls scooped their first No1 with ‘Wannabe’, Sugababes’, Amelle Berrabah, shows that girl-power is stronger than ever as she releases a controversial duet with Norwegian singer/sonwriter, K-Syran.  ‘Testify’ is released on 6 May and delves into the growing trend of how girls are turning to their best female friends for physical love when their husbands or boyfriends are no longer able to meet their needs.

Label mates on Metropolis’ M:89 Records, K-Syran and Amelle met after the Sugababe heard the demo to K-Syran’s controversial track.  She felt that it hit a personal nerve with her as she had just split with her husband following their whirlwind romance.  ‘Testify’ depicts the story of the unbreakable bond between girlfriends and how that bond can take on varying guises and different perceptions of how love can be expressed.  Delving into the typical lives of females today, the track exposes how women turn to each other for deeper love and support (on every level) as their marital relationships with their husbands ebb away.

“It’s a modern song of female empowerment,” explains K-Syran who wrote the song and sang the duet with Amelle, “I’d seen many of my female friends turn to their girlfriends once their marriages break down, so I felt compelled to get that message into song, as I see it as a growing trend.  Amelle was searching for a new single and she felt the message of this track grabbed her from the start.  ‘Testify’ can be read in many ways.  Every woman will find it touches her differently.”

Written and co-performed by Norwegian singer/songwriter K-Syran, who also boasts x3 Top Ten UK dance hits of her own, as well as being the anthem for this year’s International Women’s Day, ‘Testify’ is an inspiring, energetic dance vibe, weaving the divine vocals of Amelle and K-Syran amongst the tempting melodies and anthemic beats.

“It’s the ambiguity of ‘Testify’ that leaves us girls with that cheeky smile,” comments K-Syran, “Take the message of ‘she’s my lover’ anyway you like, that was my intention when I wrote this track.”

Amelle Berrabah is a British singer, songwriter and former member of the Sugababes who replaced founding member Mutya Buena in the group in December 2005.  K-Syran is an established singer/songwriter/playwrite and actress from Norway who has recently enjoyed x3 Top Ten UK dance hits and who’s track ‘Intimacy’ has been chosen as the anthem for this year’s United Nations International Women’s Day on 8 March.

The single ‘Testify’ will be released on Intimacy Records on 6 May 2016.

For more information on ‘Testify’ visit:

K-Syran will be performing live across the UK this summer.  Dates include:

23 July T-20 Promotions Live Music Rainton Meadows Arena

April 19, 2016 11:13am ET by The PR Stable   Comments (0)

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