989Records head honcho Max Porcelli gets back to you with a new album titled "Rebirth"


Reach Promo

989Records head honcho Max Porcelli started his musical career in 1989, and is currently one of the most active and chameleonic producers of the Italian electronic scene, with almost 70 productions among singles, EP and albums.

Now he gets back to you with a new album titled "Rebirth", which resumes Max's vast spectrum of influences, ranging from House Music to Soul and Funk.

Rebirth as an artist, Rebirth as a human being. This album is a concept that describes the 4-year long path that Max passed fighting for a bad disease, now beaten. The album has been written during the last period of hospitalization where each track represents a precise moment of the path.
An experience that forces you to change the point of view and think again about everything back from the beginning. Like Max did with this project's musical genre, completely different from his usual. This album is dedicated to the family, doctors, nurses, friends and to all the persons who believed in the ultimate success of this journey.

Out now on 989 Records, don't miss it!


Source Reach Promo

April 24, 2020 1:19pm ET by Reach Promo  

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  Shortlink to this content: https://bit.ly/2KsG2vA


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