Wednesday, July 2, 2014 2:37am ET by  
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Nicole Scherzinger reveals bulimia battle: 'It’s sad to see how I wasted my life'

Nicole Scherzinger has admitted that she struggled with bulimia for a number of the years.

The US star told Cosmopolitan that she endured the eating disorder whilst a member of the Pussycat Dolls in the 2000s.

She said: "I had started losing my voice, I couldn’t sing at shows, and then I remember my manager finding me passed out. I thought, ‘I’m going to lose everything I love if I don’t love myself’. One day when you feel you’ve reached the end, you just say, ‘I’m not doing this any more’.

"It’s sad to see how I wasted my life. I had such a great life on the outside, the Dolls were on top of the world but I was miserable on the inside. I’m never letting that happen again; you only get one life – I was 27 only once."

Scherzinger got therapy for the eating disorder after leaving the Pussycat Dolls in 2009, with the singer adding:

"I knew it wasn’t normal or healthy. I was hurting myself through this cycle of disordered eating. It was my drug, my addiction. It’s an endless vicious cycle."

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Watch Nicole Scherzinger's 'Your Love' video below:


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