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Monday, August 31, 2015 3:42pm ET by Newsdesk
A$AP Rocky: 'I have a cult following - I'm an anarchist, man'Hitmaker A$AP Rocky has opened up about his views on racism and confessed that while it's definitely a strong and important issue, he won't let it influence how he handles himself and he won't be held back by it. Speaking to Britain's Independent recently, the star admitted that it's important to not allow yourself to be defined by these kinds of limitations:"Race doesn't mean shit these days, especially for me. I'm a free spirit. I refuse to be held back, or marginalised or limited because of colour. Are you Arab? You're a minority, so you know how hard it can be. Ten years ago, my people were discriminated like yours. You know you guys [Muslims] are the new niggas. With that being said there are people who play into that and people who don't. I'm an anarchist, man, I don't care about colours and all that." The 'F**kin' Problems' sensation went onto give his definition of anarchy, adding: "It's a society amongst society, why not? I have my own lifestyle. I have a cult following. There are people who actually want to eat what I eat, dress how I dress... and they might even shit how I shit. That is a cult following. I encourage people to be entrepreneurs and be the best that they can be. I'm not stupid, I'm an anarchist." When asked if he considers himself to be a role model to the underdog, A$AP Rocky said: "No, man. I think I represent the Arab right now. I represent the Arab." Follow us: @Pressparty on Twitter / Pressparty on Facebook. Watch a recent interview with A$AP Rocky here:
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