“Twist of Fate: A Jack West Novel” Written By Author Deanna King Now Available In Audiobook Format


World Star PR

Introducing Jack West, a hard-nosed, relentless homicide detective, who sifts through some of Houston's filthiest secrets to solve a murder involving prostitution, executions, and corruption at the highest levels.

Solving the homicide of a 15-year-old girl who was fatally bludgeoned by a 17-year-old boy, Homicide Detective Jack West and his partner Dawson Luck, known around the station as "Lucky", are putting fresh eyes on two ancient cold cases. In an affluent Houston neighborhood, a call goes out reporting a murder/suicide. The new case takes precedence. Jack and Lucky wrap this case up in record time, and they are back on the cold cases.

As Jack begins to dig, he hears a bizarre tale from a dying ex-prostitute that is unbelievable; digging deeper, Jack unravels truths about cops on the take, executions, prostitution, conspiracy to cover up a murder involving a high-ranking official, and revenge.

Beacon Audiobooks has just released “Twist of Fate: A Jack West Novel” written by author Deanna King and narrated by Henry Schrader. Download your copy on Audible today: https://adbl.co/2Rau947

The official website for Beacon Audiobooks may be found at: http://www.beaconaudiobooks.com

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Source World Star PR

April 30, 2021 12:14am ET by World Star PR  

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  Shortlink to this content: https://bit.ly/3nyPhgo


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